Technical Mission on Oil and Chemical Spill Contingency Planning and Preparedness for Maritime Incidents in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Field Visit – Djibouti – March 2024

Technical Mission on Oil and Chemical Spill Contingency Planning and ...

Jul 08 ,2024 3m Read
The Regional Organization for Conservation of the Marine Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) received a ...
PERSGA showcased progress and key achievements during the 74th session of the IMO Technical Cooperation Committee meeting (24-28 June 2024).

PERSGA showcased progress and key achievements during the 74th session ...

Jul 08 ,2024 2m Read
PERSGA showcased key achievements and progress in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region of global projects and regional ...
Regional workshop on “the MARPOL Convention and the designation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden special areas” held on 8-10 January 2024, PERSGA HQ, Jeddah, KSA

Regional workshop on “the MARPOL Convention and the designation of ...

Jul 08 ,2024 8m Read
Background and context of the regional workshop In the wake of the activation of the declaration of the Red Sea ...
The National Workshop on MARPOL Convention and the designation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden as special area’s for Annex I and V, 27-30 May 2024, Jeddah KSA

The National Workshop on MARPOL Convention and the designation of ...

Jul 08 ,2024 2m Read
Following the recent decision, taken at the 80th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80), held at IMO ...
Hands-on training on upgrade of the EMARSGA Center regional information system and pollution spill modeling functions to support response

Hands-on training on upgrade of the EMARSGA Center regional information ...

Jul 03 ,2024 1m Read
The EMARSGA Center conducted on 21 and 22 April 2024 in Hurghada (Egypt) a practical training & use of the ...
Djibouti national stakeholders Consultation as part of the chemical pollution risk assessment involving HNS transported by sea in the region

Djibouti national stakeholders Consultation as part of the chemical pollution ...

Jul 03 ,2024 1m Read
A consultation mission was carried out in Djibouti in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment of Djibouti. from January 21 ...
National workshop on “ASSESSING THE CHEMICAL SPILLS RISK INVOLVING HNS TRANSPORTED BY SEA IN THE REGION”, 30 to 31 January 2024, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Jul 03 ,2024 3m Read
Within the framework of conducting an assessment study on the maritime spills risk involving Hazardous and Noxious substances (HNS) transported ...
Regional Workshop on “marine oil and chemical Spills contingency planning and response in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden region”, 29 April-02 May 2024, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Regional Workshop on “marine oil and chemical Spills contingency planning ...

Jul 03 ,2024 2m Read
Sixteen officials responsible for the preparedness and response to oil and chemical spills from PERSGA States gathered from 29 April ...
PERSGA Empowering Marine Conservation in RSGA by implementing Regional Pollution Modelling Software

PERSGA Empowering Marine Conservation in RSGA by implementing Regional Pollution ...

Jul 01 ,2024 3m Read
As a part from its ongoing efforts to protect the marine environments in RSGA, PERSGA implemented oil pollution trajectory modelling ...
PERSGA prepared environmental Environmental and Social Risk Management procedural

PERSGA prepared environmental Environmental and Social Risk Management procedural

Jun 27 ,2024 2m Read
Within the framework of SFISH project, PERSGA desires to: Establish Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) procedural manual, and Provide ...
PERSGA’s Secretary General Meetings with IMO and UNEP regarding coordinating international assistance in the event of a significant spill from SAFER

PERSGA’s Secretary General Meetings with IMO and UNEP regarding coordinating ...

Sep 21 ,2020 2m Read
PERSGA’s Secretary General met by videoconference and several times IMO high-ranked officials regarding coordinating international assistance in the event of ...
PERSGA/UNEP capacity building initiative on marine pollution preparedness, contingency planning and response: objectives, main interventions and outcomes

PERSGA/UNEP capacity building initiative on marine pollution preparedness, contingency planning ...

Dec 27 ,2023 3m Read
Given the new establishment of the higher emergency national committee by the Yemen Prime minister decree 21/2020 dated 5 October ...